Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Tom Binns

Anxiety is now a very common problem. There are many causes and reasons, and it can be a serious problem that affects the standard of our lives. People of all ages and nationalities can suffer with it. If you feel like you are one of these people then you only have two options. You can either let the anxiety take over your life leading to nonstop stress and worry or you can take steps to overcome it and get control back. There are seven useful tips that can help you to beat the problem -

1. Learn to control your thoughts. Try to stop yourself from having negative thoughts as they achieve absolutely nothing. Concentrate on the positive as! pects of your life and situation.

2. Whatever happens in your daily life learn to detach yourself from knee jerk emotional reactions. Self discipline can also have its role.

3. Do not to go to bed unless you are actually tired and will go to sleep. It is often the case that when we are lying in our beds our minds wander and then there is no outside stimulation to bring us back.

4. When you wake up, say to yourself that it is going to be a great day. Simply by having a positive frame of mind, good things can happen to you.

5. Always keep busy. It is usually when we have nothing to do that we become anxious. Keep your mind active by doing activities that you enjoy, this is especially true in the evening and early mornings. Reading a book or browsing the net can take our minds away from any problems that we may have.

6. Talk about your worries and concerns with a close friend. They should be able to give you advi! ce and put the issues into perspective.

7. If the! re is an activity that you have always wanted to do, but never been able, then create a plan that works towards it.

About the Author:

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Holden Roberson

The term motivation has many definitions. In the simplest of terms, motivation is goal oriented actions which produce a desired end result. Motivation typically begins with an incentive based feeling or idea.

By one definition, discipline is an activity, exercise or regimen tha! t develops or improves a skill. Motivation is defined as an inducement or incentive. These are two completely different meanings yet they seem to be very closely associated.

You are what we think about all day. If you impress your mind with negative and unfavorable thoughts, eventually, these beliefs are what we become. If you impress your mind with positive information and reiterate your action plan, these beliefs are what you will become.

The source of motivation is derived from a need or want. Whether it's losing weight, quitting smoking, making more money or achieving balance in one's life, the feeling must come from within you. It cannot be someone else's idea or thought.

Sometimes we don't know how we feel. We haven't stopped to examine exactly who we are and more importantly, who we want to be for ourselves. We know who the boss, the kids and the family want us to be but too often we overlook making ourselves a priority.
Once you've laid the foundation and are clear as to the ! course y ou'd like to move, put your thoughts or actions on paper. This becomes your motivational guide. You will refer to this daily to keep you in line with what you are trying to accomplish.

Several times a day, review your plan. Remind yourself why you are changing a previous course of action or learning a new thought process. Doing this several times a day will enable you to stay motivated. Remember, motivation is prompted by thought. Take some time to think.

As you begin achieving your desired results, reward yourself. Make sure you know you're heading in the right direction. As you begin to see and feel the transformation happening within yourself, this will motivate you to the next level.

About the Author:

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By Fantasia Moore

The great thing about personal fitness trainers is that their training prepares them to assist others in realizing their perso! nal fitness goals. The first step is to fill out a medical questionnaire with a personal trainer so that he can complete a fitness evaluation before beginning an exercise routine. Besides the establishment of goals, evaluating previous injuries and sporting experiences, and assessing current levels of activity, this questionnaire also serves as a tool for risk assessment. If the client does not pass this initial assessment, it will be necessary to obtain a physician's release prior to beginning a fitness plan.

Next you will need to complete a fitness assessment requiring you to do a series of exercises that will assist you in the establishment of your present weaknesses and strengths. An exercise plan will be developed by your trainer utilizing your goals, time frame, and identified strengths and weaknesses. This is accomplished by taking measurements of the body including the folds of the skin, your weight, and how tall you are, and taking your age, flexibilit! y, and posture into account so your progress can be tracked to! determi ne if your exercise program is working.

Keeping a detailed food diary throughout the program is necessary so the trainer can analyse your diet. Because trainers have expertise in nutrition and diet, you will learn from them if your diet is not healthy, and they can provide information on healthy choices for you.

You should be certain that any fitness trainer you employ is both certified and covered by insurance. The ideal method for doing this is asking them to give you the number and expiration date for their fitness association membership, and if it is current they probably are insured and have the standard First Aid Level 2 certification. If you want to verify their credentials then you can contact the fitness association they are registered with.

With luck, this article has been of help to you, and meanwhile I hope you will be able to find the ideal personal trainer to assist you.

About the Author:

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Let''s just take a brief moment to recap:

If you''ve been following along on this journey with me, learning the 5 Super-Charged secrets to Credit Card Utopia, then you now know 3 very important things:

  • You now know how to take advantage of zero to low interest credit card offers.

  • You now know that there is safety in numbers, and you know the magic "Who''s Who" of the major credit card comp! anies. You know that one of them, in my opinion, stands out for consumers.

  • You now know how to take a low interest credit card with a rewards program, and convert it into a money making technology that could seriously improve your financial house.

    With me? Good. These are all essential foundations that you need to follow in order to live in Credit-Card Utopia with me.

    In fact, you would think that there''s not much more that can be done.

    Side note: I hope you are realizing the power of this information.

    It may seem simple, but are you doing it? No. So, be smart. Study this information, reflect on these insights, and move forward with them so you can truly benefit from this secret knowledge.

    On to Secret, #4:

    1) It''s very important that Utopians cover all bases, and leave no one behind.

    The 3 secrets we''ve covered, really deal with those of us who have fairly good credit.

    Now, if you don''t have "good&qu! ot; credit, please don''t discard these prior ideas.

    I d! idn''t h ave "good credit" once. Who cares? How many people, small businesses, corporations, and large industrial countries, have said the exact same thing?

    2) So, don''t feel left out.

    Move towards Credit Card Utopia as a goal to move you into action.

    Our website (and many other fine websites around the internet) can provide you with many, many resources to work on your debt issues, or your credit score issues, or whatever.

    You might be surprised how FAST you can go from point A to point B.

    (Here''s a tip: Don''t waste time. Find assistance. Don''t go at it alone.)

    3) Getting back on track: Want a zero interest credit offer? Want a low-interest, no annual fee, incentive-based offer?

    Well, if you''re struggling with credit or debt, then the first step is to tackle this issue from a different point of view.

    Give up on Visa®, MasterCard®, and AMEX®?At least the "unsecured" kind, and at least for now.

    There''s not! hing wrong with applying, and trying, but if you''ve been turned down, there are other ways to go.

    4) Secret #4, revealed in an analogy:

    Do you live in a small town? If you do, you might have a small-town pub. Does everybody know your name? Does the bartender know you, and know the drink you like? Do you go into your pub after work, and down a stiff one, after a long day of working in the coal mines? Maybe it isn''t payday yet. Do you think the bartender cares? Of course not! He wants you coming in so he can move his inventory of fine beers and spirits. He knows you. So, what does he do? Let''s say this is the 1800s, and there''s no such thing as "credit cards" amongst our meager coal-working small town clan. What does he do?

    Right! He runs you a tab.

    No interest rates, no worries, no big deal. He runs a tab. Why? Because he knows you''re good for it, and he''s moving inventory. He doesn''t care about the interest, because he''s making a pr! ofit off the sale of his beer. He knows where you live, and he! knows y ou''ll pay him back in a few days when you come in for a drink after you get paid. It''s a virtual certainty.

    Now YOU, the small-town beer drinking coal worker, you''re perfectly fine with this. The drink costs you the same whether you had cash now or later, and the bartender runs you a tab, in exchange for selling you more inventory. Everyone works together.

    You scratch my back, and I''ll buy some more beer.

    5) This concept of free "credit" provided to purchase inventory, is not a new concept.

    As you can see, it''s been around for a long, long time. However, in modern times, it has tremendous application for folks with "poor" credit issues.

    The secret is that you buy merchandise (On stuff you already need, or are already buying) almost exclusively from merchants willing to give you credit at low to no interest.

    So, while you think you are in a tough position with credit issues, you actually turn it around, and allow it! to become consumer buying power.

    Only shop with merchants that scratch your back.

    With me?

    6) Now, where do you find these merchants?

    Well, in the real brick and mortar world, it''s not that hard.

    You can start with department stores, gas cards, furniture outlets, electronics stores, jewelers, and a variety of other stores that you may do business with.

    I can''t guarantee, of course, that they''ll approve you. But many of these merchants run their credit departments in-house, and like our bartender, they''re interested in moving inventory.

    So, I wouldn''t take one "no" to mean that everyone will say "no". Not true.

    Many of the larger corporate chains do not offer low to no interest rates. But almost ALL of them offer huge discounts on initial purchases as incentives to get started.

    As of the writing of this article, for example, JCPenney® and Target® both offer 10% discounts on "new accounts&quo! t;. In addition, most of them do offer zero interest when bala! nces are paid off each month, and some of them offer different plans to meet different customer''s credit situations.

    Also, look to no-interest incentive specials that are going on for many larger-ticket items. Televisions, Furniture, etc.

    You''ll also find many deferred-payment incentives that you can use to your advantage, or that you can utilize as a no-interest situation.

    You just have to shop around. They are out there.

    7) Now, what about cyber-space? Is there a place to take advantage of this back-scratching secret in Silicon? Actually, YES! There is. Check this out:

    Many shopping portals online have realized the advantage of working with "poor" credit customers, and tailor-making a shopping experience that fits these specialized needs. We''ve listed several at our website, but of course, you can find them at any search-engine or at other reputable websites around the internet.

    In a nutshell, the shopping website offers a membershi! p card for making purchases on credit. You go to the online mall, make your purchases for things you would already buy anyway, and build or rebuild your credit score. The shopping portal helps you out by reporting your credit activity to the major credit reporting bureaus, which in turn, improves your credit history.

    In addition, the membership benefits often times include such things as travel discounts, rental car discounts, and FREE credit reports.

    They almost always advertise guaranteed credit lines of up to $7500, and incentives for joining can include free merchandise (such as a free DVD player), or a merchandise voucher.

    Look for 30 day money-back guarantees, and look for no annual fees, and yes, look for "NO INTEREST" on the credit.

    Most of these sites will require an upfront membership fee, but then they immediately turn around and provide a merchandise voucher. For example, one portal charges $150 for the upfront membership fee, b! ut then immediately provides a voucher of $200 for merchandise! at thei r site.

    Because their customers generally have a history of poor credit, they do sometimes require an initial payment, or "down payment" on purchases until a relationship is established, but hey listen. So what? If you have credit issues, then you have to start rebuilding credit relationships somewhere. It sure beats Layaway!

    What a creative way to solve this problem. Everybody wins.

    You scratch my back, and I''ll buy some more beer!

    Meanwhile, you''re moving closer and closer to the pearly gates of Credit Card Utopia!

    We''ve enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, and never turn your back on your own common sense.

    Publisher''s Directions:

    This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author''s information, disclaimer, and an active link (where possible) are included.

    Disclaimer: State! ments and opinions expressed in the articles, reviews and other materials herein are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site.

    About The Author

    Tom Levine provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to consumer loan products. His website seeks to provide free online resources for the consumer, including rate-watch, tips and articles, financial communication, news, and links to products and services. You can check out Tom''s website here:, or you can email Tom at', 127, 'Sup! erCharge d Secret 4, Credit Card Utopia, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'SuperCharged Secret 4, Credit Card Utopia plus articles and information on Credit'

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    Q: I''m opening a gift shop and want to be able to accept credit cards. I talked to the branch manager at my bank, but he didn''t seem to know much about how it all worked. He did say that I would need something called "a merchant account" and something else called "a credit card processor." Beyond that he seemed a! s clueless as I am. I''m thinking about going to another bank. Can you explain how that all works? -- Mary Ann G.

    A: Maryann, I''m going to give your banker the benefit of the doubt and say that a lack of knowledge regarding the specifics of credit card processing is not necessarily a reflection of the banker''s competence. I have found over the years that most bankers, no matter how experienced or knowledgeable about the banking business they my be, don''t really know much about how credit card processing and acceptance really works. That''s because the task of accepting and verifying credit card purchases is handled by third party service companies who process and deposit (or settle) the funds into a bank merchant account.

    The decision to accept credit cards is a wise one for any retailer. I agree with financial guru Dave Ramsey''s teachings regarding the use and abuse of credit cards. Many people dig deep holes with credit cards that are hard to climb out of.! But, from a practical business point of view, any retail busi! ness tha t does not accept credit cards is leaving money on the table. Research has shown that accepting credit cards increases revenue and helps with cash flow since you receive the money within a couple of days instead of waiting up to a week for a check to clear.

    Credit cards don''t bounce, as some checks have a tendency to do. Credit card users are also more likely to buy on impulse and spend more when they do. Bad news for them, but good news for you. If you have a social conscience concerning the use of consumer credit cards, a retail operation probably isn''t the business for you.

    To accept credit cards at a brick and mortar location you typically need four things. The requirements may vary a little, but the following applies in most cases. You will need: (1) A way to enter the customer''s credit card information into a verification and processing system. This can be done with a swipe terminal, point of sale system, or by calling the credit card in by phone; (2) A ! credit card gateway company to verify the credit card''s validity and process the payments; (3) A credit card merchant account in which the gateway company will deposit payments made to you; and (4) A business bank account into which the settled funds will ultimately be deposited for your use.

    Here''s how the process works. (1) You make a sale and the customer pays by credit card. (2) Using a card swipe machine or telephone, you contact what is known as a "gateway company" who takes the card information you submit and verifies that the card is valid and the charge can be made against the card account. The gateway company returns an approval code for the purchase.

    With a swipe machine or point of sale terminal the verification process happens in a matter of seconds. If you''re doing telephone verification it can take a couple of minutes. You call the gateway company, give them the credit card number and expiration date and they give you an ap! proval code that you write on the credit card charge slip. Eit! her way, the money is typically deposited in your merchant account within 24 to 48 hours (less fees, of course).

    You''ll also need to apply for merchant status with each credit card company whose card you want to accept. To do business with American Express and Discover all you have to do is fill out an application, but to accept Visa and MasterCard you must have a merchant account. A merchant account is a special bank account set up for the expressed purpose of accepting credit card payments processed by the gateway company. Merchant accounts are usually associated with banks, though you can also use credit card merchant account service companies to perform the same function if you can not get approved for a bank merchant account.

    Applying for a merchant account at a bank is much the same as applying for a loan. The only difference is sometimes a loan is easier to get. There is the prerequisite paperwork to complete and pledging of the first born, followed by an approva! l process that can take up to several weeks. And you are not guaranteed that the bank will approve your merchant account, even if you have been a favored customer for many years. Banks have strict regulations regarding the granting of merchant accounts and if issuing you a merchant account in anyway puts the bank at risk of losing money, you will be turned down. Banks always make decisions based on economics, not relationships (no matter what your banker tells you).

    Requirements for qualifying for a merchant account varies among banks, but in general the bank will look at the following criteria:

    How long have you been in business? Business longevity suggests a history of stability, efficient management, and good financial health.

    What is your product or service? Does your product lend itself to a high rate of returns and chargebacks? A chargeback is a disputed credit card charge that is refunded to the buyer and charged against your account. You are access! ed a chargeback fee that can be as much as $20 per event. If y! our busi ness lends itself to high chargebacks, you will not get the merchant account.

    How''s your credit report? Banks always look at how much you owe and how you pay your bills, so it''s important to have good financial and trade references. If you have a history of late payments or defaults to vendors, it will count against you.

    What is your anticipated volume of sales and average transaction amount? The more money you make, the more money the bank makes. If you anticipate just a few credit card charges per week it may not be enough to justify the merchant account in the bank''s eyes.

    Is your business categorized as a "high risk merchant?" High risk merchants are those with the highest instances of credit card fraud and chargebacks. High risk merchants include many types of internet-based businesses, telemarketers, travel and cruise businesses, and membership clubs. Being a high risk merchant dramatically decreases your chances of getting a merchant account with ! a bank.

    Being a high risk merchant doesn''t mean that you can''t get a merchant account from somewhere else. Thanks to the growth of ecommerce in recent years there are a number of alternative companies that will provide you with a merchant account, sometimes with more perks than a traditional account, but almost always with higher fees.

    Also, not all banks support internet merchant accounts. If yours does not, shop around for one that does.

    Small Business Q&A is written by veteran entrepreneur and syndicated columnist, Tim Knox. Tim''s latest books include "Small Business Success Secrets" and "The 30 Day Blueprint For Success!" Related Links:', 127, 'Credit Cards, Merchant Accounts, and Your Bottomline, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what ! is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Cards, Merchant Accoun! ts, and Your Bottomline plus articles and information on Credit'

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    A check can be considered bad if it is bogus or the NSF checks (non sufficient funds check), also referred as bounced check.

    The issuance of a NSF or bad checks is an unlawful act and can attract civil and criminal penalties. The onus of a bad check is assigned to the person signing the check and such a person, upon incrimination, is likely to face legal action as specified by the judicial system of the state.

    A bounced or NSF check is the result of ins! ufficient funds in the account of the issuer of the check. An NSF check leads to the disruption of a healthy business cycle and also attracts bad check/NSF fees for the issuer of the check. The credit worthiness of the issuer is put under circumspection, which may blemish the business reputation of the issuer.

    Measures Against Bad and NSF Checks

    The receiver of the check should evaluate the credit worthiness and conduct due diligence of the business/financial repute of the issuer of the check.

    A businessperson wanting to mitigate the risk of NSF or bad checks can employ the services of a check guarantee company. Check guarantee companies take upon themselves the liability of a bad or NSF check for a predefined fee.

    The receiver of a NSF or bad check can transfer or sell the check to commercial collection agency, which will pay the receiver an up front sum of a certain percentage of the face value of the check. Later, the commercial collection agency ! employed tries, with good success rate, to recover the check a! mount fr om the issuer by employing difference collection techniques.

    Check transactions, which constitute an important part of business payments, can prove to be detrimental to the financial health of the business itself, unless they are handled carefully.

    The collection of bad debts arising due to NSF and bad checks can become an unwieldy task for a business. Commercial collection agencies are equipped with the necessary know-how and resources to tackle such cases involving fraudulent checks.

    Collection Agency Services offers you a wealth of information on how to select the best collection agency for your business.', 127, 'Bounced Checks - Straight Talk On Dealing With Bad Checks (NSF), Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, C! redit Information', 'Bounced Checks - Straight Talk On Dealing With Bad Checks (NSF) plus articles and information on Credit

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    It is wise for you to have a company credit card like a VISA card. How can you find the least expensive bank card for your business? You may decide to use a VISA card from your local bank. Check the interest rate on unpaid balances. It is excessively high? Is it in line with other cards? If you are not sure, write to:

    Bankcard Holders of America 560 Herndon Parkway #120 Herndon, Virginia 22070

    Send $4.00 for an up to date listing of preferred credit cards with low interest rates an! d those with no or low annual fees.

    If you are presently like 60% of our population and carry large credit card balances and spend much of your cash flow paying high interest rates, you need to get them paid down and paid off. If you are having problems with your ability to quit charging and you need help, you can call your local support group.

    National Foundation For Consumer Credit Referral Line 1-800-388-2227

    You may also want to shift your balances to cards with lower rates as a tool to lower interest allowing you to pay down principal quicker. Sometimes your current card companies will reduce their interest rates. You can buy software that helps you cut your interest rates. The software is full of good advice. It''s called ''The Banker''s Security Credit Card Software''. You can call Good Advice Press at 1-800-255-0899. If your credit card balances are too high it may affect your ability to buy a home. Pay off those credit card debts with some of smal! l home business profits.

    Business cr! edit car ds come in handy for emergencies, but even the US Military has found that they can be abused by those to whom they were issued. If the military cannot control their teams with all the discipline they have you might want to think twice about your ability to control your employees who have credit cards? You might wish to think twice about issuing them in the first place?

    "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;', 127, 'Credit Cards for Home Business, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Cards for Home Business plus articles and information on Credit

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    In the olden days, about 10 years ago, before the internet, consumers would have to fill in applications for credit cards, loans, mortgages and so on by hand. It''s hard to believe now, but this lengthy process was the norm, with requests for extra documentation and references going! backwards and forwards, until finally the application was accepted or rejected. These days with the advent of the Internet an application can validated, accepted and a credit card or loan offered with minutes.

    The availability of credit card comparison engines has revolutionised the way people look for the credit cards. It means that when comparing credit cards a consumer can make very quick and meaningful comparisons very quickly. Consequently, they can compare the credit cards pertinent to their needs and identify the best card for them. It means that for things like balance transfers, the best available product can be found with relative ease.

    Credit cards can be compared accurately using the typical APR or Annual Percentage Rate. Credit card companies are required to produce a typical APR figure under new regulations. It is an attempt to standardise the way a card can be promoted and to reduce the scope for misleading headline rates of interest. Credit card! companies are required to include things like interest charge! s, penal ties, annual fees and so on, in their calculation. It is the first thing to look for when comparing cards as it is the rate that balances will revert to when offers like 0% on purchases and 0% balance transfers expire.

    A credit card can be applied for online with great ease, particularly if the appropriate information is to hand. You will need details of your address for the last three years and any existing borrowing commitments. Also, details of your employee and current salary are usually required. Once, all the relevant details have been entered the bank will usually give an indication of their decision with minutes. The decision will either be an acceptance, referral or rejection.

    However, do not get carried away making multiple online applications as this can have an adverse effect on your credit rating. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that if you make many applications at least one will be accepted. All you will be doing is makin! g it more difficult to get an application successfully processed.

    All in all, there can be little doubt that the process of choosing a credit card and having an application accepted has been greatly improved with the advent of the Internet. Make use of the many comparison engines to identify the best credit card offer for you. Then use the online application process to complete the application.

    Neil Brown has contributed to many sites including articles on 0% credit cards and balance transfer credit cards.', 127, 'Applying for Credit Cards Online, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Applying for Credit Cards Online plus articles and information on Credit

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    Have you ever wondered why your credit card bill is so high and you can''t seem to pay off the balance? Well you are not alone in this. You should be aware of a couple of trick that they use and you probably don''t even pay attention to it, but you definitely pay for it and BIG!

    The next time you open up your credit card statement, take a real close look to all the "junk" inside particularly the very hard to read inse! rt Call "changes to you credit card agreement". That''s right the one you always throw away or say that I''ll read it later and never really do. Since you neglected to read all that fine print you just threw away you should realize what you just did. In essence you just agreed to all the changes the credit card company made IF (and that''s a big "IF") you use your credit card again. Most people do and don''t even read all "that stuff" in the envelope with their statement. Since these were automatic changes effective immediately or on a specific date that they set in the new terms and conditions.

    Some of the ones the credit card companies use most often include, but not limited to, changing your APR (annual percentage rates) you thought that 0% would last forever? Changes to your existing fees and/or adding new fees. Let us not forget that they also like to change your grace period, the time that you can pay it off and not receive a finance charge.

    If you don''t ! know or you don''t keep track of your credit limit...stop usin! g it! If not you will get yourself into this next little fix. When ever you do go over the limit (they make sure and give you a little slack so they have an extra fee to charge) they hit you with an "over the limit fee" making you more over the limit and making you pay down your balance even more or you will face yet another over the limit fee the following month. There is nothing like a little $35 or more fees to cheer you up when you have to pay your bills.

    If you really like higher rates on your credit card then just make sure the payment is late, that is a sure fire way of getting an increase in you APR. Some credit card companies go as far as saying your payment is late if not received by noon or 1 p.m. on the payment due date. Thanks for another $29 or more fees are the likely response from the credit card company. If you are a procrastinator and wait until the last minute to put money in the bank for your check to the credit card company to clear then you need to be ver! y careful. With all these new high tech devices we have these days they are a lot more efficient at processing their money taking days shorter than they did even 5-10 years ago.

    For the ultimate procrastinator who will wait until the last minute and pay online. Once again the credit card companies will most likely make you pay for that convince. I have seen anywhere from $1 to $15 just to make your payment online.

    This one is my favorite one and it took me awhile to figure this one out, because like you I really just didn''t pay attention. And man did they make me pay for it too. Some credit card companies offer cash advances. You really have to think to yourself "How good of a deal is it really going to be?" after all they already charge 15%-18% or higher!

    Why is it such a bad deal?

    I''m glad you asked.

    In most cases when you use your credit card to withdraw cash more fee kick in:

    - A cash advance fee is normally an ! up front fee any where from 2%-4% of the cash you take out


    - The cash advance on the credit card ALWAYS has a higher interest rate than your normal purchases

    - The interest starts as soon as you get the money out of the ATM

    - Many of the credit card companies also require that you pay off all the balance from your purchase before you can pay off your cash advance.

    Here''s a little example on how they get you with those extra fees:

    Let''s say you regularly charge $200 dollars a month with purchases on your credit card and you keep a running balance on your credit card of $1000. If you went out and needed cash right away and took out a $100 cash advance you would have to pay off the $1000 dollars before you would be able to get to paying off the cash advance. Now let''s not forget the $200 you put on every month that you would have to pay off before they would pay off the cash advance. I was going around in circles on this one for years before I figured it out.

    Free advice don''t use a cash advance unless you ! absolutely have to.

    Taking the time to read the little "junk" the credit card companies send you in the mail and knowing where all these fees go will save you a lot of money in the long run.

    Mical Johnson is affiliated with Rock Financial, Inc., a Licensed Correspondent Mortgage Lender, Florida Department of Finance. Mr. Johnson hosts Home Buyer''s Seminars which are open to the public each month in the TampaBay area in Florida. To obtain a free copy of Mr. Johnson''s Home Buyer Handbook contact him at He is also a contributing author at', 127, 'Credit Card Entrapment - The Secrets are Out, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Card Entrapment - The Secrets are Out plus articles and informati! on on Credit

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    In the high tech world of today, credit card fraud is an ever increasing problem.

    By 2005 it is estimated that the online payment industry will capture $12.5 Billion in revenue. This is up over 20% from 2004.

    In the United Kindom alon! e, credit card fraud cost companies £504.8 Million in 2004.

    With so many people shopping and paying online it is no wonder that credit card fraud is on every online consumer''s mind.

    There is no way to guarantee credit or credit card fraud will never happen to you. But there are a few steps you can take to make it more difficult for someone to capture your card or card numbers and minimize the possibility.

    Sign your cards as soon as they arrive.

    Carry your cards separately from your wallet, in a zippered compartment.

    Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates, and the phone number and address of each company in a secure place.

    Keep an eye on your card during the transaction, and get it back as quickly as possible.

    Void incorrect receipts.

    Destroy carbon copies.

    Save receipts to compare with billing statements.

    Open bills promptly and reconcile accounts monthly, just as you would your checking acc! ount.

    Report any questionable charges promptly to the ca! rd issue r.

    Notify card companies in advance of a change in address.

    IT is important to remember to not give your credit card to anyone.

    Never leave credit cards or receipts lying around.

    Never give out your account number over the phone.

    John Parsons is founder of http://CorporateNarc.Com?. The mission of http://www.CorporateNarc.Com? is to educate the public in consumer affairs and to provide consumers with up-to-date business information. In addition we hope to ensure better services for the consumer by exposing business fraud and corruption, as well as unfair and deceptive business practices.

    This article my be reproduced as long as the author''s name and url to are present at the end of the article.', 127, 'How To Protect You! rself Against Credit Card Fraud, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'How To Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud plus articles and information on Credit

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    As part of its retail expansion, Kotak Mahindra Bank plans to enter the credit cards business by March 2008.

    "We plan to introduce silver, gold and platinum credit cards. We will target high networth individuals," said K V S Manian, group head of retail liabilities & branch banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank.

    The bank intends to set up this credit card b! usiness on its own rather than though tie-ups with other entities.

    Branch expansion is also on the cards. Currently, the bank has 134 branches across 92 locations. "By May 2008 we plan to have more than 200 branches," Manian said. Besides, the bank will also set up 75 additional ATMs by February 2008, taking that tally to 150.

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    Credit card companies charge fees on balance transfer. This fee can be anything from 3% to 5% of the outstanding balance transferred. Alot of times this fee is capped by an upper limit. Again, a credit card with no upper limit on balance transfer fee can offset any savings we were going to make. So, it is better to have a credit card with an upper limit on the fee. For example. A credit card with balance transfer fee at 3% of the outstanding amount with Rs.100 as minimum and a maximum of Rs.750 is definitely better than one with balance transfer fee at 3% of the outstanding amount with Rs.100 as minimum and no upper limit. Transferring a big amount to the latter credit card can cost more than doing it with the former. So, a credit card with lowest balance transfer interest for the longest period along with low balance transfer fee with an upper limit cap on balance transfer fee is a better choice.
    Reward credit cards bring additional savings to a credit card holder as cashback, reward points, gift certificates and other privileges. The credit card which offers maximum rewards along with minimum restrictions and no limits on reward redemption definitely scores over a credit card with higher reward qualifications, lots of restrictions and rewards which are difficult to redeem. Also when you evaluate the rewards, always keep in mind how the benefits will affect you. For example getting a Fuel reward credit card from Hindustan Petroleum is only useful if there is a HP petrol pump nearour office or home or on the way to office.

    These parameters should be kept in mind while comparing different credit cards. Remember, there are lots and lots of traps in credit card fine prints. A credit card offer which appears lucrative can cost a lot if proper attention is not given to the hidden fine prints. Carefully acquainting oneself with the credit c! ard terms and condition and knowing every fact that affects the credit card usage will be of a great help to the credit card holder.

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    Now a days it is difficult to come across a person who doesn't own a credit card. With the rise in standard of living, banks are coming out with increasing number of cards offering number of innovative features.

    While it increases the number of options open to the customers, this innovation can also confuse the person looking to own his first credit card. As a result, it is very important for you to choose the right credit card so that you can get the best out of credit card.

    Here are the answers for some of your questions on how to select the right credit card for your needs.

    What card is idea! l for me?

    As the featur! es offer ed by each credit card varies, it is essential for you to understand which features will benefit you a lot. If you are shopping regularly at a particular store, go for a credit card that offers your reward points or cash back or discount when you shop at that store.

    Don't select a card that offers you free air miles on usage, if you are not a regular flier. Do you use the credit card to pay your utility bills? Then choose a card that provides you benefits for paying your bills. Besides rewards, also take a look at the interest charged.

    If you intend to carry outstanding balances each month, then it is advisable to choose a card offering a low interest rate. But if you can manage to pay off the balance in full at the end of each month, it is advisable for you to go for a card with high interest rate but with low or nil joining and annual fees.

    If you are traveler, check ou! t if the card has widespread acceptance.

    What are the important features my card should have?

    Though cards contain many important features, some are the more important than others. While we all like to be rewarded for using the card, it should not be the sole criterion affecting your decision. Instead here are some essential features to look at when choosing a card.

    • Annual/joining fee: While most banks offer entry level credit cards for free, these fees are still levied on the high end credit cards meant for businessmen. If you happen to pay your card balance each month, then these fees will make it expensive for you to use the card. In this case, it makes more sense to opt for the card that doesn't charge any such fees.
    • Credit limit: If you are a heavy shopper, always select the card offering you the highest credit limit.! It will prevent your card from being rejected due to insuffic! ient cre dit limit.
    • Cash limit: Do you always swipe your card to withdraw cash in case of emergencies? If yes, then you must always take a look at the cash withdrawal limit available on the card.
    • Interest rate: Do you always like to carry unpaid balance each month? If yes, then always select a card charging lowest interest rate, as high interest can very easily land you in debt.
    • Acceptability: Is your card accepted across wide range of establishments? Is it accepted internationally? While Visa and MasterCard are universally accepted, Diners and American Express have limited acceptability.
    • Other charges and penalties: Besides fees and interest, remember the bank also charges you various other fees like late payment fees, cheque bouncing fees, over limit fees etc. Watch out for these fees, as they are very high.
    • Quality of service: Not all banks provide the same level of customer service. Check out if the bank offers 24x7 customer service for its credit card customers. This is helpful if you have to report stolen card, check your credit limit or want to discuss any billing problem with the customer service.

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    Just like previous various offers, SBI Credit Card has once again introduced another new offer in collaboration with one of the several electronics merchants and this time it is Deals4all. This time it is to commemorate with the Indian Independence Day this year 2009. This offer is named as Freedom to Save and is valid till September 15, 2009 or till stocks last as the stocks are limited it seems. With this offer you can save up to 71% when availed using your SBI Card and is valid only on it and not on any other cards.

    The first product is the Sylvania laptop. It comes with a 1.2 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, wifi, 30 GB hard disk, WLAN, card reader, 7" screen and Ethernet cards, etc. Its estimate market price is Rs. 26,500 but you can buy it for Rs. 12,999 with this offer.

    Next is Aqua Mini ePhone with estimated market price of Rs. 13,500 but you can get it for Rs. 5999. Aqua TV Phone with which you can watch TV, it seems, is priced at Rs. 4999 as against the estimate market price of Rs. 10,500. Similarly you can buy the Aqua Pro Dual Simphone for Rs. 3999 with the estimated original price being Rs. 9500. The Aqua Watch Phone is priced at Rs. 4999 (estimated price being Rs. 10,500). The LG KF240 Mobile Phone is priced at Rs. 5999 as against the original price of Rs. 12,500.

    You can buy Polaroid i836 digital camera which is an 8 MP camera for Rs. 3999 (Rs. 10,500 being the estimated market price). Likewise the Polaroid i1035 digital camera is a 10 MP digital camera that can be brought for Rs. 5499 with the estimate original price being Rs. 10,500.

    Jabra Bluetooth car kit is priced at Rs. 1999 (Rs. 5900) and Carrera Perfume Set Rs. 999 (Rs. 3400) with the estimate price given in bracket.

    There are also other special offers where you can buy branded! D&G wrist watches at around 71% discount at the SBI Card special prices.

    You can also buy these products at special 6 months EMI from SBI Card which you can convert into EMI by calling SBI Card helpline.

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    Today, more and more people are turning to help balance transfer credit cards to save money. With mortgage company will be unstable, they are stacked on the loan money and gas prices at $ $ 4 a gallon people are credit card balances. Fortunately, there are still a few credit cards on the market that offer balance transfer credit cards for fair credit.

    We thought we would do our part, and provide some of the best credit cards that ar! e on theMarket for this trade fair with the average loan.

    First, what exactly is fair credit? Fair Credit is best described as a person who always pays her bills on time, but has a few late payments or a little too much debt described. The credit card companies look at your work, housing, debt load and pay the total capacity at the card with the approval of a credit card.

    Some of the categories for Credit loans are transferred for fair compensation, business cards, rewards cards, cashPrevious maps and much more. Having Fair Credit should not mean that you have an adverse credit card, you hurt more than it helps you get.

    Below we have set out what we feel are some of the highest-rated fair credit credit cards on the market. Each of these credit cards has distinct advantages and disadvantages that should be familiar with the cardholder before applying for the card, so always read the small print before.

    Regular Credit Ca! rds --IberiaBank Visa ® Classic Card is hands down on! e of the best credit cards for average credit. IberiaBank credit card may offer a means of transfer 0% and 4% on the purchase! For those of you whose claim is based more on "fair" side of "fair to average credit" there is the Citi ® Platinum Select ® Card. This card offers rates as low as a respectable 10.9%, no annual fee and a 0% introductory rate for balance transfers. Both cards areBargain for people, for fair to average credit.

    Rewards Credit Cards for Fair to Average Credit - Most credit cards that offer a fair to average credit applicant does not have a descent Rewards Program will be offered. Not this card, we found a large credit card with a great rewards program for the average loan. Bank of America Accelerated Rewards ™ American Express ® Card is for borrowers whose credit bends the average side. It offers a lowfixed rate for new purchases and balance transfers with aver! age credit who qualify. It also has a 0% introductory offer, with access to their rewards program and there is no annual fee!

    Card issuers that issue credit cards for fair credit you want as much cheap as you want to be approved. What you need to do is to make sure you fill out the application completely. Some people skip through the application of a lack of important questions, you could add"Points" on their registration. Here are a few things that you can help with your application.

    Report all) of your gross income (before taxes, be sure to include part-time jobs, seasonal jobs and second jobs. If asked, you must have your checking and savings accounts list if it helps, believe it or not, with some money in savings. Job time is important, many people have worked for a company, then left and came back. You can use these two periods of time add up to more work to show. MakeEnsure that the entire list years and months of your stay as well.

    L! ast but not least, you go to the card that you really want! Mo! st peopl e with the average fair credit "under the" application for the credit cards they really want out of fear, refused. If you have decided to recommend that you obtain a loan, regardless, we will give you the card that you really want and pick a solid application. At the same time, you may continue on a map, which tend to approve you. If youtwo cards you can easily the least attractive or leave it for a rainy day to open.

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    While the vast majority of credit cards offer a 0% APR on balance transfers, not all deals are the same. In fact, some 0% APR balance transfer offers, you may wind up costs a lot of money in fees and interest rates. In this article we will go over the fine print and figure out how to find the best balance transfer credit card.

    The first thing to look for in a 0% APR balance transfer credit card is the duration. Formost cases it is not hard to be a! card that offers 0% for one year. However, some credit cards offer two levels for the balance transfers. Persons with excellent credit will get approved, and with a 0% rate for a full year. Those who are average or below average credit can get approved for the same card, but only offered a 0% rate for 3 months. This is one of those nasty credit card tricks buried in the fine print. To avoid an issue like this, please read the pricing information inthe terms and conditions.

    If you have a credit card that offers a 0% APR on balance transfers for 1 year to the next area to examine is the fee. 99% of the total assets of 3% transfer fee credit card balance transfer fee with a maximum of $ 75. If you transfer decreases of more than $ 2,500, the percentage amount. For example, if you are a transfer of $ 5,000 balance, you pay only $ 75, or 1.5%. With an average credit card interest ratesHover over 15%, with 3! % and 1.5% still works out that a good deal.

    While mos! t credit cards offer a 0% APR on balance transfers cap the maximum fee at $ 75, some cards have increased the maximum fee dollar so much as $ 250. (Very few companies charge this amount and I can not name names), but you can avoid these maps with regard to the fees section in the terms and conditions of the credit card offer.

    We have discussed the 99% of credit cards that charge balanceTransfer fees. Now for the rare (and pose increasingly rare) 1%, that no fee balance transfers. There are a few catches with this offer. First, many offer only a 0% for 6 months. Those who do not offer a 0% APR on balance transfers, no fee for a full year rule a 0% APR offer on the purchase. If you know that you are not using your credit card for new purchases, applying for one of these deals will bring the best savings. However, if you think that yoube with a balance from month to month throughout the year, you will end up paying much more money! in interest on new purchases than we have spent on the balance transfer fee.

    We hope that the process of selecting the best credit card offers a 0% APR on balance transfers now be easier to you with the information that credit card companies do not want you to know that armed. All you now need to do to save money to start looking after your interestsMap and apply.

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